Friday, March 18, 2022

St Joseph: Shadow of the Heavenly Father

John Baptist

Clinical Counselor


            St Joseph played a very vital role in the salvation history. He is a role model for every person, religious or secular. Please find below some thoughts and insights on St Joseph found in the book St Joseph: Shadow of the Heavenly Father.

·      The renowned descendant of David does not vanish into thin air but stays at the helm of the holy family, taking momentous decisions but always in prompt obedience to God’s will revealed to him. (Paolose Mangai)

·      His [St Joseph) name means increase. (Robert William)

·      Pope Pius IX declared St Joseph as the Patron of the Universal Church. (Fr Thomas Tharayil)

·      Saint Joseph reminds us that those who appear hidden or in the shadows can play an incomparable role in the history of salvation. (Bp Ignatius Mascarenhas)

·      No dialogues… just action. (Leetha Lawrence)

·      According to St Augustine, St Joseph’s role as the foster father of Jesus Christ was not accidental but predestined. (Metro Xavier)

·      St Joseph is a model of patience and perseverance, who works quetly... (Nimmy Das)

·      Where did Jesus get this image of God as Father? Definitely it is from his human father Joseph that Jesus learnt how loving a father can be. (Shalini Mulackal)

·      Silence is persuasive, effective, lovely, and even essential for a meaningful life. (Sunder Wilson)

·      How could a village reject it’s own son, especially as he returned home with a pregnant wife… (Mathew Palachuvattil)

·      St. Joseph, the divine dreamer, invites each one of us to drop our selfish desires and become a part of God’s dream for humanity. (Bensy Maria Sangeetham)

·      The life of Joseph invites couples to learn to discover beauty and meaning in their failures, doubts, and struggles. (Rita James)

·      God found in Joseph a trustworthy ‘father’ to whom he could entrust the care of his only-begotten son. (Bp Agnelo Rufino Gracias) 

·      Holiness is not a passive belonging to God but an active belonging where one becomes wholly available to God, like St. Joseph. (John Baptist)



John Baptist & Team, (Ed.). (2021). St Joseph: Shadow of the Heavenly Father. Mumbai: Pauline Publications. 


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John Baptist OFM Cap.
Pastoral Clinical Counselor
San Antonio, TX, USA