Monday, July 3, 2023

Death is a Blessing

For many, death is, quite literally, the deadliest thing in life. Some restlessly attempt to evade death with intense angst and most are scared even to think of it. There is new life and resurrection, but not without passing through death. Jesus assured us of the resurrection but showed us that new life is possible only by embracing death. Death is intentionally designed by God into the very existence of human life. Death is not a useless and meaningless part of human life. Death can be the final and most meaning-making journey of human existence. Death, understood rightly, can prove to be a blessing for us. One blessing of death is that it overcomes even the most stubborn of all evils. 

Death is Stronger than Evil — Sadly, we have a largenumber of examples of individuals and even groups that were horrendously evil or were perhaps the incarnation of evil. The one thing that is consoling about death is that every person dies, good as well as evil. One can imagine the condition of this world if people like Adolf Hitler did not die. Often, our world suffers due to people who are extremely evil and take pleasure in devastating the lives of many, even of millions. People who think they are masters of death, God tells them, “You fool! This very night your soul is required of you” (Lk. 12:20). Death comes and takes them into oblivion when they are still plotting genocides. Death becomes a blessing in such situations and reminds us that everything will decay including evil, no matter how strong and victorious evil seems. A life lived with the awareness of death and with the realization that one day we must encounter God face-to-face helps us to shun evil and engage in good. 


  1. Death is the beginning of a new life! Part of a cycle of every living things!

  2. Yes Death is the only reality in life. It is a blessing. How wonderful it will be to meet God face to face.

  3. Thank you Father John! Certainly, it is only in meeting death that we are all equal, good and evil. It is when we stand before our Lord to be judged that justice will be handed out. The quotes from the Bible are reassuring. Basia

  4. Yes, I do trust death is a reality. It's a blessing when we long to meet our God, the absolute reality.

  5. The only truth in this life is death. Be prepared to accept it gracefully

  6. Father John, thank you for opening my eyes. I remember you asked once in a homily, " Do you want to die?" No one ever says yes. But it is the only way to receive the promise of eternal life!

  7. Instinct is to preserve life.

    Evil will distract from truly living in the moment.

    A meaningful life is created by death but also by living with integrity and inspiring others toward truth.

    Embracing death is living in the moment.

  8. Life is a beautiful lie and death is the painful truth. We need to accept and prepared for our death anytime

  9. "When death comes knocking, nothing's gonna stop him from coming in. All you can do is meet him standing up with honor."


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John Baptist OFM Cap.
Pastoral Clinical Counselor
San Antonio, TX, USA