Friday, May 14, 2021

Leaving the World - The Three Inspirations




We are at war with the pandemic caused by Covid-19. Many are affected directly or indirectly by the pandemic. Some individuals are fighting Covid-19 at hospitals and others at their homes. A significant number of patients have lost their lives. We might have lost someone dear to us or known to us. 

As we read about so many among us leaving this world, there are three things which, I believe, can inspire us.


1. When a young person dies - Being taken away too early or too soon


According to us, it can be too soon but perhaps according to God's time, it's the perfect and exact time. Jesus knew when His time was approaching and prepared Himself. Are we ready?


2. After a long time of suffering - so and so lost the battle

We might think that some people lost the fight with Covid-19 but actually won the battle of this life.

It's the daily battle of life that makes all the difference. Then the final battle on the sickbed also contributes to the winning of the war.


3. Often, the funeral services, particularly of consecrated persons, include the eulogy which consists of degrees and positions

Do they really matter? What actually matters is how we use it and other gifts and talents of our life.

I am almost planning to write my own eulogy to keep it handy whenever it might be needed. 


All we need is a little bit of ground and a blessing, and even if these are lacking, the ever available MERCY of our Saviour suffices.


-         Sr Teresa Francis CFMSS

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John Baptist OFM Cap.
Pastoral Clinical Counselor
San Antonio, TX, USA