I owe myself an apology
For all the times
I tore myself apart.
When I neglected my own needs
Lowered my standards
Berated myself
And put myself down.
For the self-sabotage
I continually inflicted upon myself
And the times when I apologized
For being who I was
And expressing myself authentically.
And I owe myself
The permission to start anew.
To forgive myself
For the battles I fought
That weren’t mine to fight
For all of the love
That I failed to give myself
And for the times when I failed to realize
That rather than being broken
I was worthy of value, respect
And beautiful, brilliant things in life
And that's how I treated myself
Dictated how others would view me
And in turn, behave toward me
So by showering myself
With love, kindness, forgiveness and respect
In turn, I could pave the way
For others to do the same.
Tahlia Hunter wrote the above heartwarming poem. Hunter's words invite us to acknowledge that often it is we who understand ourselves as worthless and treat ourselves without dignity.
When we ceaselessly look at ourselves as persons without any value then we allow others to treat us badly and assume that it is okay to be treated that way. If we value ourselves then we draw people who will value us, on the contrary, if we devalue ourselves, we can easily attract people who will mistreat and abuse us.
The experience of being loved and valued cannot be sustained from the outside rather it has its foundation within. As humans, we are born with immense value – the image of the Divine. If we can start accessing this inner, beautiful, and precious core of our being then we can truly accept, love, and value ourselves. Accepting and valuing ourselves offers a blueprint to others of how they also need to treat us.
It is never too late; we can forgive ourselves for not treating ourselves with kindness and love. We can begin anew the journey of acceptance, love, and worthiness.
The journey begins from within.
John Baptist OFM Cap.
Clinical Counselor & Psychospiritual Resource Person
York, PA, USA
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John Baptist OFM Cap.
Pastoral Clinical Counselor
San Antonio, TX, USA